What we know so far…..

Currently there is no literature on polo as an intervention

Mohini Karia was awarded a first class honours degree in psychology her dissertation was the evaluation of our programmes:

3 interventions summarized explore the change in groups of people coming from different disadvantaged backgrounds after having played polo for the first time.:

1.Injured ex-military and servicemen participants who are now supported by the Help for Heroes charity

2.Partnership with CHIVA (Children living with HIV Association) in which the participants are children who are HIV positive

3.Partnership with South Central Youth who have come from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds

The results of the questionnaires in each intervention prove to show a significant positive change in mood after participants have played polo. In their interviews, participants report that the playing of a new sport has made them more confident and open-minded about trying new things and would recommend polo to others to try

The interventions succeed in filling the gap in literature of research into horse polo as a new sport and the findings heavily influence the use of polo as a form of therapy and rehabilitation


Above is the Sportworks Tool assessment of projected savings from one of our first courses.

We are keen to grow and improve our evaluation if you feel you can help please get in touch.

day 1 the RCBPC team katy pic.jpg